The New Jersey Atlantic City BMX finals rocked the Egg Harbour Township!



It’s about as big as a local championship can get. Hundreds of riders and spectators from across multiple states of the USA, Atlantic City had its hands full with this one!

As detailed in their local press, the township welcomed more than 350 racers from across the USA, treating the residents to some of the most masterful riding they’d ever see. With riders aged as old as 50 and as young as 2, this event was an inclusive opportunity for all riders, but that’s not to say that there wasn’t some impressive work on display! Across the 73 race events, these racers all engaged with the competition and did their absolute best, living up to the highest echelons of their own personal skill levels. Fair play to them, and special thanks to CJ Fairfield for bringing their stories to the rest of the internet for us to marvel at! You know we love our sports here at Gravity Stars, especially when they involve bikes, so a signal boost is the least we can do for these fine folks.

When we think about awesome competitions and BMX handiwork like this, we’re put in mind of our partner Blue Pie’s artist “Oohlala”. In particular, “Peace And Harmony” seems fitting, so that’s our recommendation for today – a musical toast to the EHT riders! A chill rock album like this puts one in relaxed, good spirits, perfect for a fun-spirited contest like this.



Until next time, keep jamming to one of Australia’s freshest classic rock n roll bands, and keep cycling away! Get your thighs like rocks and power across every road you meet! That’s the example that the EHT riders have set, and we intend to follow it to the letter.